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Contributing template sentences

Template sentences need to be contributed to our Intents repository on GitHub. The sentences will be reviewed by the language leaders and merged if they are correct. You can either contribute new sentences or improve existing ones.

The Intent repository is structured as follows:

  • sentences/<language>/ - Template sentences for each language - learn more
  • tests/<language>/ - Tests for each language - learn more

We prefer a lot of small contributions over a few large ones. Contributions that contain a lot of changes are hard to review. That's why we want each contribution limited to a single language and single domain.

The filenames of sentences and tests are named like <domain>_<intent>.yaml. So if you are contributing to the cover domain, you would update the following files:

  • sentences/<language>/cover_HassCoverOpen.yaml
  • sentences/<language>/cover_HassCoverClose.yaml
  • tests/<language>/cover_HassCoverOpen.yaml
  • tests/<language>/cover_HassCoverClose.yaml

How to contribute

All contributions are done via Pull Requests on GitHub. Our recommended way is to use GitHub CodeSpaces. Follow this tutorial to get started.

Our repository has a lot of checks that you can use to make sure that your contributed sentences are valid. You can run them locally from VS Code using terminal -> run task.

The checks will also run automatically when you create a Pull Request. Contributions cannot be accepted if the checks fail.

Adding a new language

New languages should be based on the output of python3 -m script.intentfest add_language <language code> <language name>, which generates an empty language directory with all the files needed for a new language.

Limit the first contribution to translations of the error sentences in _common.yaml and adding sentences and tests for the homeassistant domain.

If you are unable to run the add_language script locally, ask in Discord to have a maintainer run it for you.