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Text-to-speech entity

A text-to-speech (TTS) entity enables Home Assistant to speak to you.

A text-to-speech entity is derived from the homeassistant.components.tts.TextToSpeechEntity.



Properties should always only return information from memory and not do I/O (like network requests).

supported_languageslist[str]RequiredThe supported languages of the TTS service.
default_languagestrRequiredThe default language of the TTS service.
supported_optionslist[str]NoneThe supported options like voice, emotions of the TTS service.
default_optionsMapping[str, Any]NoneThe default options of the TTS service.


Get supported voices

This method is used to return a list of supported voices for a language of a TTS service.

class MyTextToSpeechEntity(TextToSpeechEntity):
"""Represent a Text To Speech entity."""

def async_get_supported_voices(self, language: str) -> list[str] | None:
"""Return a list of supported voices for a language."""

Generating TTS audio

An entity can choose to implement three different ways of generating TTS audio. Only one method can be implemented at a time.

The stream TTS audio method allows text to be streamed into the TTS service and audio to be streamed back.

class MyTextToSpeechEntity(TextToSpeechEntity):
"""Represent a Text To Speech entity."""

async def async_stream_tts_audio(
self, request: TTSAudioRequest
) -> TTSAudioResponse:
"""Generate speech from an incoming message."""

The definition of the TTSAudioRequest and TTSAudioResponse objects are as follows:

class TTSAudioRequest:
"""Request to get TTS audio."""

language: str
options: dict[str, Any]
message_gen: AsyncGenerator[str]

class TTSAudioResponse:
"""Response containing TTS audio stream."""

extension: str
data_gen: AsyncGenerator[bytes]

If the Text-to-Speech service requires the entire message to be sent at once, the get tts audio method can be used. It can be implemented as either synchronous or asynchronous.

class MyTextToSpeechEntity(TextToSpeechEntity):
"""Represent a Text To Speech entity."""

def get_tts_audio(
self, message: str, language: str, options: dict[str, Any]
) -> TtsAudioType:
"""Load tts audio file from the engine."""

async def async_get_tts_audio(
self, message: str, language: str, options: dict[str, Any]
) -> TtsAudioType:
"""Load tts audio file from the engine."""