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Built-in intents

The following intents are supported:

  • HassTurnOn, HassTurnOff, HassGetState, HassNevermind, HassRespond, HassBroadcast, HassSetPosition, HassGetCurrentDate, HassGetCurrentTime, HassLightSet, HassClimateSetTemperature, HassClimateGetTemperature, HassShoppingListAddItem, HassGetWeather, HassListAddItem, HassVacuumStart, HassVacuumReturnToBase, HassMediaPause, HassMediaUnpause, HassMediaNext, HassMediaPrevious, HassSetVolume, HassStartTimer, HassCancelAllTimers, HassCancelTimer, HassIncreaseTimer, HassDecreaseTimer, HassPauseTimer, HassUnpauseTimer, HassTimerStatus

The following intents are deprecated:

  • HassOpenCover, HassCloseCover, HassToggle, HassHumidifierSetpoint, HassHumidifierMode, HassShoppingListLastItems


For HassTurnOn and HassTurnOff, the slots are optional.

Possible slot combinations are:

Slot combinationExample
name onlytable light
area onlykitchen
area and nameliving room reading light
area and domainkitchen lights
area and device classbathroom humidity
device class and domaincarbon dioxide sensors

Supported intents


Turns on a device or entity

  • name - Name of a device or entity
  • area - Name of an area
  • floor - Name of a floor
  • domain - Domain of devices/entities in an area
  • device_class - Device class of devices/entities in an area

Provided by the homeassistant integration.


Turns off a device or entity

  • name - Name of a device or entity
  • area - Name of an area
  • floor - Name of a floor
  • domain - Domain of devices/entities in an area
  • device_class - Device class of devices/entities in an area

Provided by the homeassistant integration.


Gets or checks the state of an entity

  • name - Name of a device or entity
  • area - Name of an area
  • floor - Name of a floor
  • domain - Domain of devices/entities in an area
  • device_class - Device class of devices/entities in an area
  • state - Name of state to match

Provided by the homeassistant integration.


Does nothing. Used to cancel a request

Provided by the homeassistant integration.


Returns response but takes no action.

  • response - Text to respond with

Provided by the homeassistant integration.


Announces a message on other satellites.

  • message - Message to broadcast (required)

Provided by the assist_satellite integration.


Sets the position of an entity

  • name - Name of a device or entity
  • area - Name of an area
  • floor - Name of a floor
  • domain - Domain of devices/entities in an area
  • device_class - Device class of devices/entities in an area
  • position - Position from 0 to 100 (required)

Provided by the homeassistant integration.


Gets the current date

Provided by the homeassistant integration.


Gets the current time

Provided by the homeassistant integration.


Sets the brightness or color of a light

  • name - Name of a device or entity
  • area - Name of an area
  • floor - Name of a floor
  • brightness - Brightness percentage from 0 to 100
  • color - Name of color

Provided by the light integration.


Sets the desired temperature of a climate device or entity

  • name - Name of a device or entity
  • area - Name of an area
  • floor - Name of a floor
  • temperature - Temperature in degrees (required)

Provided by the climate integration.


Gets the current temperature of a climate device or entity

  • name - Name of a device or entity
  • area - Name of an area
  • floor - Name of a floor

Provided by the climate integration.


Adds an item to the shopping list

  • item - Item to add (required)

Provided by the shopping_list integration.


Gets the current weather

  • name - Name of the weather entity to use

Provided by the weather integration.


Adds an item to a todo list

  • item - Item to add (required)
  • name - Name of the list (required)

Provided by the todo integration.


Starts a vacuum

  • name - Name of a device or entity
  • area - Name of an area
  • floor - Name of a floor

Provided by the vacuum integration.


Returns a vacuum to base

  • name - Name of a device or entity
  • area - Name of an area

Provided by the vacuum integration.


Pauses a media player

  • name - Name of a device or entity
  • area - Name of an area

Provided by the media_player integration.


Unpauses a media player

  • name - Name of a device or entity
  • area - Name of an area

Provided by the media_player integration.


Skips a media player to the next item

  • name - Name of a device or entity
  • area - Name of an area

Provided by the media_player integration.


Skips a media player back to the previous item

  • name - Name of a device or entity
  • area - Name of an area

Provided by the media_player integration.


Sets the volume of a media player

  • name - Name of a device or entity
  • area - Name of an area
  • volume_level - Volume level from 0 to 100 (required)

Provided by the media_player integration.


Starts a timer

  • hours - Number of hours
  • minutes - Number of minutes
  • seconds - Number of seconds
  • name - Name attached to the timer
  • conversation_command - Command to execute when timer finishes

Provided by the homeassistant integration.


Cancels all timers

  • area - Area of the device used to start the timer

Provided by the homeassistant integration.


Cancels a timer

  • start_hours - Hours the timer was started with
  • start_minutes - Minutes the timer was started with
  • start_seconds - Seconds the timer was started with
  • name - Name attached to the timer
  • area - Area of the device used to start the timer

Provided by the homeassistant integration.


Adds time to a timer

  • hours - Number of hours
  • minutes - Number of minutes
  • seconds - Number of seconds
  • start_hours - Hours the timer was started with
  • start_minutes - Minutes the timer was started with
  • start_seconds - Seconds the timer was started with
  • name - Name attached to the timer
  • area - Area of the device used to start the timer

Provided by the homeassistant integration.


Removes time from a timer

  • hours - Number of hours
  • minutes - Number of minutes
  • seconds - Number of seconds
  • start_hours - Hours the timer was started with
  • start_minutes - Minutes the timer was started with
  • start_seconds - Seconds the timer was started with
  • name - Name attached to the timer
  • area - Area of the device used to start the timer

Provided by the homeassistant integration.


Pauses a running timer

  • start_hours - Hours the timer was started with
  • start_minutes - Minutes the timer was started with
  • start_seconds - Seconds the timer was started with
  • name - Name attached to the timer
  • area - Area of the device used to start the timer

Provided by the homeassistant integration.


Resumes a paused timer

  • start_hours - Hours the timer was started with
  • start_minutes - Minutes the timer was started with
  • start_seconds - Seconds the timer was started with
  • name - Name attached to the timer
  • area - Area of the device used to start the timer

Provided by the homeassistant integration.


Reports status of one or more timers

  • start_hours - Hours the timer was started with
  • start_minutes - Minutes the timer was started with
  • start_seconds - Seconds the timer was started with
  • name - Name attached to the timer
  • area - Area of the device used to start the timer

Provided by the homeassistant integration.

Deprecated intents

These are old intents that are not supported by template matching sentences and are planned to be removed or replaced.


Deprecated; use HassTurnOn instead.

Open a cover.

Slot nameTypeRequiredDescription
namestringYesName of the cover entity to open.


Deprecated; use HassTurnOff instead.

Close a cover.

Slot nameTypeRequiredDescription
namestringYesName of the cover entity to close.


Toggle the state of an entity.

Slot nameTypeRequiredDescription
namestringYesName of the entity to toggle.


Set target humidity.

Slot nameTypeRequiredDescription
namestringYesName of the entity to control.
humidityinteger, 0-100YesTarget humidity to set.


Set humidifier mode if supported by the humidifier.

Slot nameTypeRequiredDescription
namestringYesName of the entity to control.
modestringYesThe mode to switch to.


List the last 5 items on the shopping list.

This intent has no slots.

This page is automatically generated based on the Intents repository.